
Simcoe ON                                                                 

June 6 11:10pm

After reading this issue of the Filer's Files, I submitted my experience to  MUFON tonight because my experience happened at almost the same time as one of the other sightings (near Aurora) and is also in Ontario. I live in Simcoe,  Ontario just north of Lake Erie, which is about a 40 minute drive from Brantford where the other report happened. About 11:10 p.m. on June 6, 2002, I stepped out  onto my balcony facing west-and looked up into the night sky. A very bright streak of greenish light moved across the sky in silence and disappeared in a  second. The ribbon of light moved west at 30 degrees above the horizon. Just shortly after this I saw a plane whose lights very tiny compared to the size of the ribbon of light. Last summer I also saw a white light move slowly o south  while on the north shore of Lake Erie. I described it to a neighbor who flies for American Airlines and he said it didn't seem like any plane he knew about. I really appreciate the effort you put into your newsletter. Keep up the great work! Linda Schulhoff

FILER'S FILES #27-2002, MUFON Skywatch Investigations
George A. Filer, Director Mutual UFO Network Eastern
July 3, 2002, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Webmaster: Chuck Warren