
Whitby ON                                                                         

June 1995 9pm

It was around 9pm when my mom asked me to take my dog for a walk. Behind our house was a school (Glen Dhu Public School) with a very large field area, it has sloped hills and two streams that meet in one corner. The park is surrounded by houses on the north and south sides, the school on the west side and Anderson Rd on the east side.
I let my dog off his leash so he could run around the park while I walked. It was a clear night so I laid down on the bleachers for the soccer field so I could look up at the sky to search for satelites; I thought it was fascinating to see how fast they moved considering they were so far away.
After looking around for a few minutes I didn't see any satellites but I did notice 7, maybe 8 tear-drop shaped flying objects directly over me moving to the south. They were moving at a casual speed similar to commercial aircraft. They were all moving at the exact same speed and in formation, but not a pretty formation like a squadron of air show jets might, it was an odd sort of free-form formation that didn't appear to have any formal structure. They were very dark (grey or black maybe) and appeared to be metallic, not shiny but they reflected the ambient light in a way that a gun-metal finish might. There were no lights on them and I couldn't hear them. They made no sudden movements and traveled in a perfectly straight line. I lost sight of them when they flew far enough south that the houses bordering the park obstructed my view.
The shape of them was nothing like any typical aircraft that I have ever seen, and I'm an air show fan. These looked like tear-drops, they were large and round at the front and tapered to a rounded point at the back. So if the wider part acted as wings they were at the front where as conventional aircraft have large wings in the middle or fighter aircraft have them toward the rear. I guess they could have been flying backward, so I don't really know which side is the front.
I posted my sighting on my personal website after it happened and my website traffic tracker logged an abnormally large amount of viewings from for a few days; that was about a month after I posted my story. It was like everybody in the company viewed my site. I didn't know what was. I figured it would probably be an ISP but that didn't answer why so many people had come from that ISP, so I checked out the site. They are a "Space and Technology Company" that builds stuff for the military and NASA. Maybe it's unrelated to my UFO story posting since I don’t' really know what they were visiting for but it was an interesting coincidence anyway.
I assume what I saw were some type of experimental military aircraft since I believe commercial aircraft are required to have lights on them and I don’t believe in aliens from outer space.

Our personal thanks to the witness for this report.