
In the summer of 95 at 35 years of age, I was attending summer session at Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough. The siting took place behind the apartment I was living in at the time at the corner of Dobbin and Landsdowne. At that time the area was pretty much the outskirts of town and very dark at night. Today there is a huge Shoppers Drug Mart on the corner and other development popped up around there since but suffice to say the area all around was essentially vacant land to the west and south behind the apartment with a few old farmsteads on Dobbins Rd. heading to the college. Too, the airport is not far away to the south if I recall correctly. One saw a lot of small aircraft and helicopters flying about at night.

It was about a quarter to ten at night and I know because I watched Star Trek every night at ten and I had to go walk the dogs before it came on so I beetled outside behind the apartment to the vacant field behind the old motel units south of the apartment. It was a clear night but there was no moon at the time so it was very dark. The dogs and I just tromped around in the field and I took in the view as we were a little higher in elevation and could sorta look down on the valley to the east that runs northward through town. The stars were magnificent.

My eyes were panning the sky when, out of the corner of my eye, I caught some movement to the west near Dobbin Rd. There was an old farmhouse there and I could see a darkened silhouette behind and above the farmhouse. It seemed to rise up from behind the house as it passed over it and then moved toward me and the dogs. It did seem to change it's course although being so dark I had a hard time making it out except by using the stars I could see to define the edges of it. It looked like a blackhole moving across the sky until the lights came on.

It became apparent immediately that it was a very large object in the sky moving toward my position. The 3 corners we suddenly lit underneath with alternating blue and red lights. They would be red and grow in intensity as red and then dim and turn blue, rise in intensity and brightness, fade and then turn red and repeat the sequence. It halted all movement as it came alongside me about 50 feet above the ground south of me at about 50 feet. I could have thrown a rock at it.

When it stopped the lights turned to white and were no longer pulsing and a light at the center of the underneath of the craft came on. It wasn't blinding and I could see well that it was a huge triangular craft about the size of soccer pitch. It had rounded edges and there was no evidence of propulsion apparatus in any of its side which were about 30-40 feet high. It was dead silent, not even a hum.

What was remarkable was that the craft was silent but also that all sound was silenced. It was like when the door closes on a soundproof room. Suddenly there was nothing. Shortly after, the lights went out the city and nature sounds came back and it moved off to the east about 50 feet off the ground and headed for the town itself and gradually gaining some altitude. I stood and watched for a bit as it drifted toward the town and then turned north and headed off to where I could no longer see it and rather nonchalantly I felt at the time. The only thought in my head at the time was Wow. That is so cool. I did not have this reaction in 77. Quite the opposite.

After it was gone I went back to the apartment wondering about it and thinking how it was interesting that the dogs never even bothered much about it although they gave it some attention. I headed back for the apartment, confident that the dogs were satisfied. I figured I hadn't been gone long, maybe a half hour but as I returned to the apartment to relate the story to my then girlfriend I was met with stern looks and accusatory inquiry having been gone for over 2 hours. I related the happenings to her which as you might imagine were met with much doubt and heavy skepticism in spite of her being accepting of UFO phenomena. I couldn't do anything other than stick to my story which I came to extreme relief over when in the paper the next day similar sightings were reported and I was vindicated. The airport reported nothing on their radar.

To offer any conclusion on this sighting is not good science but I can and will say that in more ways than I can say quickly, it was a massive change point in my life which took me to the depths of despair and raised me to heights I never imagined possible for me. Nothing would be the same again. Mind, body or soul.

Just as an afternote; if I had only heard of this experience happening to someone else or only ever happened to me once I could accept perhaps that it was the figment of imagination or some self fulfilled legacy of my latent interest in space science and the lore. I've had three equivalent encounters in my lifetime and my father recently recounted a similar occurrence that happened to him and I when I was seven.

Our thanks goes out to Simon Keith Wareing for sharing his experience with us. Please note we do not normally share an experient's name, but in this case the witness requested we do so.