
Timmins ON     May 4th 2007 11:30pm approx.

Last night May 4 2007 a few of my friends i were all chillin to a few pints  after the hockey and basketball games when my friend XXXXX who had just recently left to go jam with a few of his bandmates across town called at roughly 11:30-11:45pm he was excited on the phone and told all of us to go outside and look to the north a verify if he was tripping out on what he was seeing so we all rushed outside and sure enough to the northwest there was this little light that resembled a satellite until it stopped backed up and started to move around really fast in an rather unorthodox manner I'm talking up down zig zag burst of speed all this time XXXXX on the phone verifying with us on what its doing it kept doing its little dance across the sky for approximately 10 minutes going from northwest to northeast at one point while it was almost due north it kind of tilted and gave off a triangular angle appearance to it briefly but we had once again all seen it ,afterwards we had seen four white obstacles not so much lights but i cant explain it but four things streak across the sky at an insane speed i can only explain what i saw last night, today can you explain why there's black helicopters and a matching black jet and army personnel all over timmins???

Our thanks to the witness