
April 3, 1997, 4:00 AM

During the early morning hours of Thursday, April 3, 1997, an Anishinabe man living at the Wikemikong Indian Reserve on Manitoulin Island, located in Lake Huron's Georgian Bay, spotted a UFO. The eyewitness "happened to look out of his living room window and noticed a yellow, saucer shaped object a few degrees above the horizon. In the foreground stood a street light. The time was approximately 4:00 AM, and the sky was overcast. He estimated the object to be about half a cigarette held at arm's length. He also said at one point, the light blinked out for half a second or so, then reappeared. Soon after, the object disappeared from view." The man "told his girlfriend about the sighting the next day. She said it must have been the northern lights. He responded by saying that the UFO was in the southern part of the sky (over Lake Huron) and the northern lights usually occur in the Northern sky."