
Guelph - Eramosa Ontario October 17th 2009 9pm

Sat Oct 17th, 2009 at approx 9pm.  Was walking guests from my home just North of Guelph when I noticed a bright white light that looked brighter than the surrounding stars.  It was a clear night.  The light was moving in a South to North direction at a slow speed, object moved only a very small distance before completely disappearing instantly.  It reappeared very quickly a far distance away and maintained its height but stopped.  It was blinking white and red low in the sky but stayed put for approximately one hour before it disappeared completely.  It originated due West of my home and ended up North West before it left.  My wife witnessed the white/red blinking as it stood stationary and I believe my father had witnessed it with me when it appeared as a white bright object at the beginning.  I attempted to take a picture with my blackberry but it was just too dark to show an image.

Our thanks to the witness for sharing this report with us.