
Ottawa Ontario and surrounding locales have been noted as UFO "hotspots" throughout the years 2001-2002. This is not a new trend in the area. In fact the  following is a recounting of alleged abductions that occurred in the mid 1990's during a UFO flap in the region. Investigations were carried out at that time by UFO research group CEIPI of Hull, Quebec.

On February 6, 1996, at 7:18 p.m., an unidentified boy age 12 spotted a UFO  hovering over the city of Buckingham, Quebec. The boy described the object as "a large triangular vessel."
That same night, at 7:30 p.m., farmer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a UFO in the town of Thurso, 15 miles east of Buckingham. While plowing snow with his tractor, Boisvert saw "a set of red lights over a neighbouring barn." His tractor was about 330 meters (1,000 feet) from the barn.

"It was a large, very large metallic triangular vessel that measured approximately 150 feet (45 meters) long," Boisvert said, "It was hovering over the barn in total silence. No hum, no buzz, no sizz, nothing."
He said the UFO seemed to "very slowly go over the barn." As it did so, he saw "the (triangular) shape and three lights at each one of the edges. The light  coming out of these protuberances did not illuminate the ground or even the roof of the nearby barn. The UFO left in the direction of Buckingham, where it had  come from."
After the UFO had left, he and his father, Henri Boisvert, owner of the  farm, noticed that their electric water pump would not function.
Troubled by recurring dreams, Louis Boisvert sought out the Hull UFO group. But when the CEIPI researchers put the youth under hypnosis, a more frightening  tale emerged.

While under hypnosis, he said he hopped off the tractor and ran to their own barn the minute he saw the lights. His father was working in the barn, and  he wanted to tell him to come and see the UFO. As he rushed into the barn, he  saw his father standing there with a blank expression on his face. Beside the 45-year-old Henri stood two reptilian aliens, with long faces, scaled leathery skin, black eyes, clawed hands, gaunt arms and legs. Then Boisvert and his  father were reportedly taken aboard the triangular UFO by a squad of  "Reptilians". Henri Boisvert is not a farmer by trade. In his regular job, the  elder Boisvert is a pilot for the Canadian government.

In March of 95, workmen at a Quebec lumberyard watched a hovering UFO for 15 minutes. This sighting was in Waltham Station, 90 miles west of Buckingham and Thurso.  

Our personal thanks to UFO Roundup.