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A reader writes in:

"I was staying in the Lodge last year and I was in the second last room on the west wing of the building (corner room).  I was awoken in the night from a sound sleep not from a dream but from someone violently banging the end of the bed.  I opened my eyes, turned on the light and there was no one there.  I could feel the distinct presence of someone and couldn't shake the feeling they were trying to wake me up, no idea why.  I had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and though I am not familiar with ghosts or sightings, I knew that's what it was.

I remember seeing a show on tv that told you to firmly ask the ghost to leave so I did.  I don't know if they did or not, but I couldn't go back to sleep.  My conference was over the next day so I went home and didn't tell anyone.  I didn't want to freak anyone out at the conference nor did I want to seem like I was losing my mind, lol. "


Our thanks to the witness for sharing the above information.