
WestHill ON                 

August 3rd 10pm

I was sitting on the deck, having my evening tea and a chat with my fiancée. We face north, and we have a clear view of east to west sky. We looked up to the right towards the Big Dipper, and he pointed out a "shooting star", only to instantly realize that it was not a star or comet.We both realized it at the same time. We saw a round glowing object, moving from east to west (rt to lt ) direction, fairly quick, much quicker than any plane. there was no sound made. Same (or similar) object re- appeared within a minute, and passed over our heads. This repeated about 3 more times, with 1 minute or so inter vals. We first both thought that it was an UFO, and later, my partner was insisting that it was a weather balloon. I do not see how, since it was late and very dark, and no balloons could move this fast. The night was very calm, and even if there were any crosswind at the altitude, I do not see how any baloon could move this fast and /or be visible at all. It was Aug 03/2004 around 10 pm. Calm weather,with very few clouds.

Also, first 3 to 4 times it was a single object, with next one appearing as a single and then mulitplying into 3 and then to 4 objects of same size and shape, round glowing circles. I watched this for about 1 hr. They kept reappearing as single sometimes 2 single object moving across the sky..

Our thanks to the witness for this report.