
Beamsville ON                 

October 5th 4:37am

Triangular "v"-shaped object with 3 lights that looked like a plane and slowly descended in a downward "zig-zag" motion

I was staying at a friend's house sleeping on a couch in their living room in front of a long panel window. I was periodically waking up throughout the night. The phone rang once which awakened and startled me. I sat up slightly, looked at the VCR and saw that the time was 4:37 a.m. Some flickering lights caught my eye and I sat up some more and looked out the window. I saw a triangular "v"-shaped object with three lights, 2 red on each corner and one white light in the middle. It looked like a plane, however I noticed that the object was moving strangely, slowly descending downward in a "zig-zag" motion. I began to feel a sharp pain in my heart and sat paralyzed looking at the object for what seemed to be 3 minutes. I lowered my body onto the couch and started praying to God, which was very unusual because I don't usually practice religion. After lying there for a few seconds, I sat up again and looked out the window and the object had disappeared. Eventually I went back to sleep but I did not sleep well. My friend told me in the morning that she had answered the phone around 4:30 a.m. and that there was no one on the other end. There was no number on the call display and it seemed like an odd coincidence that the phone had rang at that specific moment in time.