
Hamilton ON                                                                   

July 9th 10:23pm

"On Tuesday July 9th me, my dad,my uncle and aunt saw 3 flying rounded shape objects in the sky. They were glowing. when this happened I was on my uncles  deck outside just looking into the sky when my uncle noticed these crazy  phenomenon.The first thing that made me realize the object was the glowing of  the object and they were flying high in the sky. They moved sooo fast, they were  faster then any kind of plane because there were planes flying around at the  time.They moved at different angles. Well first they flew parallel and then they made 90 degree angles and started to cris cross. It was the scariest thing Ive  ever seen. Right away we called the airport to see if they had seen anything on  their radar but we never got through. we were all left in amazment. We then lost sight of it when they left into the sky like they disappeared, and the sky was a  clear night so they certainly didnt go behind any clouds."

Our thanks go out to the witness for this report