
Witness Sketch

Our thanks to Albert S Rosales for sharing the following report with us.


Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - 7/1/2000:


"I just finished talking a shower and I left my washroom half dress to finish dressing in my room as I entered my room I could see there was a alien like being looking at me.


He was not doing anything. Just staring at me. He had gray like skin and was wearing some kind of tin foil like suit. He had big eyes, small nose and his mouth was closed. The part that stood out the most to me was that he was blinking and his eye lids met at the center of his eye. And that he was breathing in and out.


The blinds of the window were not closed yet but I could see him clearly.


I was not feeling that I was in danger or anything so I stood there for a good 20sec. I had no clue what to do, I was in shock. And me and him/her/it just stood there staring at each other After I ran away. Not sure if I ran the room across the hall or back to wash room, or downstairs to find my parents.


After 5 mins I went back to my room as I peeked in my room I saw that he was not there but I ran up to my window and I could see lights at the edge of the forest and in the forest behind my house. The light looked blue/white and there were blinking. Not sure if the actual light was blinking or it was the fact that the lights were in the forest and it was the trees making them blink.


I have never gone public with my story cause I tell a family member and they think I am stupid or crazy.



And this incident has left a lasting fear in my life. I am a 230lb full grown man and I am terrified too look out windows when it's dark out side."