
The following paper on antigravity deals with the wave theory behind axial repulsion and “explains perfectly UFO shapes and propulsive systems” in the opinion of the author.

In this paper, I will attempt to explain a theoretical basis of gravity first put forward by John Ernst Keely in the late nineteenth century. He contended that matter vibrating in unison is mutually attracted and that matter vibrating in dissonance or discord is pushed apart. I will also explain the amazing phenomena of black hole repulsive jets, some of which spew out matter from their rotational axis at speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of light. I contend that these axial matter jets are a result of antigravitic repulsion caused by the rotation of the hole’s core and its distorting effect.

Taking the example of black holes and their repulsive jets, I contend that it is possible to create similar axial repulsion by rotating atomic nuclei very rapidly. I have detailed a number of systems to accomplish this. They perfectly explain many of the UFO shapes reported and explain perfectly the functioning of the multi-layered purported UFO crash debris held by Art Bell (Bismuth and Magnesium micro-layers) and by the Roswell Museum (Silver and Copper micro-layers).
String theory suggests that all matter, from the simplest form to the most complex is composed of vibrating strings or surfaces. Matter naturally vibrates in unison and/or harmony with other matter. This matter vibration creates waves through the ether (the dynamic intersection of three dimensional space and the higher dimensional surfaces – if you have difficulty imagining higher dimensions intersecting our own, imagine a two dimensional plane – a surface, not an airplane -- in three dimensional space. The three dimensional space must intersect the two dimensional plane. Now visualize our three dimensional universe as that two dimensional plane in three dimensional space which is actually four dimensional space. The four dimensional space intersects the three dimensional plane the same way three dimensional space intersects two. Fifth dimensional space intersects the fourth dimensional plane in the same way. The sixth does the same thing, and so on up to who-knows-what-dimension. All these dimensions intersect three dimensional space). When separate matter produces waves through the ether, the separate wave patterns create interference patterns that are the intersections of the emitted waves. (One can make two dimensional interference patterns by dropping two pebbles into a body of water in different places. As the waves expand and move through one another, they create a pattern of the intersections of the waves. This pattern is called an interference pattern.)

As the three dimensional waves from separate matter intersect and form an interference pattern, a higher ethereal energy state is created, because when waves emitted from matter intersect they create additional "scalar" waves (fourth dimensional waves - see Tom Bearden’s research). When this happens, the ether naturally attempts to return to a lower energy state. If separate matter is vibrating in unisons or harmonies, moving the matter closer together results in a reduction of interference patterns and therefore moves the system to a lower energy state. However, it is possible for matter to vibrate in discord to the unisons and harmonies of other matter. In this case, the ethereal interference patterns created cannot be resolved by moving the matter closer together; rather, interference patterns remain and increase due to the amplitude increase of the interfering waves seen as the matter comes together. Therefore, to decrease the ether's energy state, the matter in discord is pushed away to reduce the intensity of the interference patterns and the resultant scalar waves. Therefore, we can state that matter vibrating in harmony or in unison with other matter is brought together, but matter vibrating in dissonance or discord with other matter is pushed away.

Examples of both unisonic and harmonic attraction and also discordic repulsion may be observed spectacularly from rapidly spinning black holes. In these black holes, the emitted wave pitch distortion is caused by a Doppler-like effect (similar to the effect that changes the sound of a racecar as it races past spectators, except it happens across the ether not through air) due to the core’s rapid spin rate. As a black hole’s core rotates, assuming a symmetrical core, distorted waves are emitted parallel to the axis pushing vast quantities of matter away from the black hole at speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of light, while perpendicular to the axis plane at the equator, the distortions are cancelled out. This cancellation may occur when, from the equatorial plane, the rotation effects from one side of the core are cancelled by the opposite movement of the other side of the core, and the average of the distortions occurring would be the unisonic and harmonic frequencies necessary for gravitational attraction. While from the axis, there is no counter-movement, just pure rotation – both sides of the core spin in the same direction. Therefore, we see massive gravitational attraction from the equatorial plane, and massive repulsion from the axis. This repulsion from some of the more massive holes has been repeatedly shown to produce matter jets that, according to scientists, "seem" to be travelling faster than the speed of light. It is important to note that no accepted explanation for these jets has yet been presented. Indeed, not only have solitary black holes been seen to possess such jets; other rotating systems such as neutron stars, galactic nuclei, quasars, and even normal stars have been shown to produce directed and columnar repulsive jets from their axis. Obviously, this Doppler-like distortion (via rotation and also linear movement) is a key to antigravity and no doubt is the reason for the universe's accelerating expansion.

There are also other methods of ethereal matter wave pitch distortion, such as the high voltage capacitive fields developed by Townsend Brown (which possibly use similar techniques to those described below -- who knows, though? We have no access to Brown's research data), and direct manipulation of matter vibrations using high harmonics of sonic or electromagnetic waves, but those will be discussed in future papers.

I believe the easiest method of distorting the waves emitted from matter is to take the example provided by black holes and use rotating masses. [Using linear movement for distortion would be theoretically possible for transportation, but if one could reach the necessary speeds, there would be little need for the repulsive effect.] To really be useful, and produce significant axial distortion, a mass must be very dense and must be rotating very, very quickly. The rotating mass must consist of atoms with unbalanced nuclei in order to maintain, through inertial imbalances, a changing orientation throughout each rotation. Otherwise, the nuclei will maintain their position and little distortion will occur, much like water and ice in a glass tend to hold their positions no matter how one rotates the glass. But even with unbalanced nuclei, simply spinning normal samples of matter at achievable speeds has produced only minimal effects.

Perhaps a feasible alternative would be to rotate many atomic nuclei individually at very high speeds. Nuclei are ultra-dense, nearly like little neutron stars or black holes, but with protons and a positive charge. Because nuclei rotate fairly stabile and without friction, it is possible to accelerate their rotation to extremely high speeds and produce very strong distortions from their axis. Aligning all the axis of nucleic rotation in a sample would provide directed distortion waves.

There exists several ways to accomplish this nucleic spin. Rotation may be initiated primarily by free electron inertial transference n (moving electrons past or around the nucleus), variable magnetic fields, or secondarily by gravitational or protonic or valence electron inertial transference (one nucleus or it's electrons transfer their inertia and spin another nucleus). Combinations of these methods might increase overall efficiency of a design.

Electrically Induced Rotation

Certain nucleic geometries reflect, to a significant degree, the movements of nearby electrons. The elements that exhibit such geometries have an odd number of protons and an even number of neutrons. In such atoms, the protons are not uniformly dispersed throughout the nucleus. Instead, one side of the nucleus is slightly more positive than the other. These elements exhibit a slight natural distortion effect that may be deduced by observing their atomic radii, which are significantly smaller than expected due to the repulsive effect generated by nearby nuclei. The unbalanced element with the most massive nucleus is Bismuth, element 83. It is the most diamagnetic (generates an opposite magnetic field to the one that is applied) of all the elements. Its nucleus has the most amount of matter available for distorted wave production and also has the strongest inter-nucleic attractive forces, which allow it the highest maximum spin rate of all the unbalanced nuclei. These factors combine to make Bismuth the obvious choice for electro-repulsive experiments. A stable element 115 would be better than Bismuth, but recent research shows that that the half-life is only around 30 seconds. Other diamagnetic elements could be used as well (copper would be good, too) and it is possible that super conductive materials (due to their complete diamagnetism at cold temperatures) might be superior to Bismuth; however, they might not due to their molecular structure. The question must be answered, but no one wants to have to dip their antigravity craft in liquid nitrogen every 20 minutes or so, anyway. Bismuth will be used as the element of choice in this paper.

To spin nuclei with electricity, it may be preferable to use thin Bismuth films and pass high-voltage DC pulses across them to speed and align nucleic rotation. High-voltage current has a tendency to travel on surfaces as far as possible from the interior of the conductor. Therefore, the current would be most likely to pass over the tops of the surface Bismuth atoms and less likely to pass through the valleys between them due to the electrical pressure. The effect on the individual nuclei can be likened to water falling over a waterwheel. This tendency would allow the axis of the Bismuth atoms to align perpendicular to the current direction and tangential to the film plane while simultaneously initiating and speeding nucleic rotation. Distorted waves would be emitted from the nuclei parallel to the axis. Depending upon amperage and ribbon thickness, these rotations may be initiated and maintained throughout the entire thickness with a single reversal of rotational direction in the middle or the ribbon, or with a very weak current, inertial transference may induce counter-rotations of the Bismuth atoms that lie beneath the surface layer. It is not known what effect counter-rotations would have on efficiency, but I suspect they would be counter-productive. Therefore, to minimize significant counter-rotation, limiting the thickness of the Bismuth film would seem to be important. Of course, simultaneously sending DC pulses in one direction on one side of the film, and in a counter direction on the other side of the film would solve counter-rotation problems completely, but this is only possible using multi-layered materials.

To initiate rotation it might be desirable to provide a highly conductive layer adjacent to the Bismuth film (Art Bell's Roswell Debris:, and personal communication with Steve Wingate). With this adaptation, charge still races across the Bismuth surface speeding and aligning nucleic rotation. Use of an element with balanced nuclei would be recommended to reduce the chance of rotational instability and disruptions due to interactions between the different layers. Magnesium would be the obvious choice due to its high conductivity and lightweight. Multiple Bismuth and Magnesium layers might be sandwiched on top of one another for greater effect. High-voltage pulsed current passed through the Magnesium, switching back across the Bismuth layers would eliminate counter-rotations and effect distorted waves from the nuclei towards the directions perpendicular to the electron flow and tangential to the sandwich plane. It might not be physically possible to switch back the current across a single Bismuth layer in this fashion, but it should certainly be tried. [The extra conductive layer may not be necessary, as research into Bismuth films and micro-filaments suggests a natural super conductive tendency that is not present in thicker samples. I believe that the super conductive effect results from the alignment of nucleic spins with nuclei acting as electron guides to reduce eddying and resistance.]

Possibly an experimental compact design would be similar to this. Around a conductive central core, a Bismuth film ten centimeters wide, half a kilometer long, and a few microns thick is wrapped. From the core and between each successive Bismuth layer a similar dielectric layer is wrapped in a similar fashion to prevent a charge from taking a shortcut and bypassing a portion of the half-kilometer length. If the free end of the Bismuth film is grounded, and a sufficient high-voltage pulsed current is passed from the core to the ground, distorted waves would be emitted out the top and bottom of the device. [A possibly more efficient, modified design using pulses traveling in opposite directions on each side of the Bismuth film would also be possible.] As stated above, possibly the single Bismuth film in this design may need to be replaced by a Bismuth/Magnesium sandwich for more efficient rotation initiation. However, once rotation is achieved, little energy is needed to continue rotation and wave distortion - the nuclei act as little flywheels. An interesting point of this design is its ability to work at a distance. Distorted waves are emitted in two approximate beams if the nucleic spin is stable enough. These beams would neither increase nor decrease over distance, only spread out according to the stability of the nucleic rotation. The simplest stable platform based on this design would be an equilateral triangle with one distortion generator of this type at each corner. Varying the generators' orientations would provide maneuverability.

Another design that would be useful would be to use the successive Bismuth-dielectric films or Bismuth-Magnesium films to coat the outer surface of various shapes to provide repulsion across larger surfaces. The first shape to consider is the cigar shape. When coated with successive layers and a sufficient charge is passed through the "skin" from one end of the cigar to the other, or sequentially back and forth across the Bismuth layers, distorted waves from each nucleus are generated towards the directions tangential to the skin and perpendicular to the plane which contains the nucleus and the cigar's lengthwise axis. Not only would this configuration provide a nice even lift, it would naturally align the cigar parallel to the earth's surface. It would also deflect, to a degree dependent on the degree of distortion, all objects on an approach path towards it. This would provide protection from micrometeorites, projectiles, and even particle beam weapons if the distortion was strong enough - anything that is affected by gravity can be deflected. For maneuverability, a compact distortion generator as described above at each end of the cigar would do the job.

The next logical shape to explore is the traditional "flying saucer" or disk shape. If coated similarly to the above cigar, and charged from top to bottom or sequentially back and forth across the Bismuth layers, distorted waves would be emitted towards the directions tangential to the skin and perpendicular to the plane which contains the nucleus and the axis of the disk. If sitting on the ground, it would repulse laterally - providing zero lift. To move the nucleic axis from the lateral, the current pulses need to be made to travel around the axis of the saucer shape instead of taking the shortest, fastest route between poles. The closer the spiraling of the electron flow, the closer the repulsive field aligns with the axis plane and therefore repulses more up and down. This spiraling may be accomplished with a spirally wound core or more efficiently with a winding just deep of exterior surface. With this design, only one compact distortion generator mounted axially is needed to provide maneuverability. Maneuvering might also be accomplished by varying the orientation of the spirally wound core.

There are limitations to these designs arising from the fact that all the distorted waves are directed tangential to the surface and never reach the interior of the craft. This limits the acceleration and deceleration to that which a human body could withstand. Why not put the occupants outside, under a dome on top of the craft? This way, the repulsion forces generated would, to a large degree, counter-balance the inertial forces on occupants as the craft accelerated. Another solution might be to use a distortion skin with a rippled shape rather than smooth.
There are many other possible shapes and configurations to explore using this wave distorting skin and modifications of the more compact design and combinations of them both.

Magnetically Induced Rotation

It also possible to induce nucleic rotation magnetically, but as the methods described above would seem to be more efficient, I have not concentrated heavily on it. My first design idea was to use a cylinder of Bismuth rotated within a collar of alternating magnetic poles. As the individual Bismuth atoms pass by a north pole, they will be turned and will complete a single rotation as they pass by the South Pole. Thus for every two magnetic poles in the collar, one nucleic spin will be initiated. I would call it a rotational amplification device. Using a motor operating at 25,000 and forty permanent or electromagnets in the collar, I would expect individual nucleic spins at 500,000 rpm as the whole core rotates at 25,000 rpm. The whole thing will look like a sun picture with the Bismuth core as the sun and forty electromagnet "rays." However, this design might have a problem with heat evolution, which could disrupt rotational stability. This design is the logical next step for those who wish to improve on Podkletnev's ideas.

My second idea was to construct a coil around a ferrous sleeve containing a Bismuth core. Using an AC frequency generator at the coils resonant frequency and then moving up the coil’s harmonics would be a simpler and much more efficient method of inducing extremely rapid nucleic rotations in the Bismuth core. With this design, the speed of achievable rotations is dependent on the harmonic used and limited only by the highest harmonic used. Again, this design might have problems with heat evolution. Again, a chilled super-conducting core might increase efficiency.

Using this concept, it is also possible to construct a craft with a Bismuth shell on the outside and the coil on the inside around a ferrous rod. Hitting the coil at its resonant frequency and its harmonics should accomplish the same trick. Varying the position of the coil would allow for maneuverability. Again, there are many variations and combinations on this design, which need to be explored.
Well, I’ve never been very good at wrapping things up, so I will just say "peace" and "God bless."

Contact information:
Joshua Gulick
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ICQ # 42262662

Please visit Joshua’s website at the above link, which contains excellent descriptions of complex theories for laymen thinkers & experiments with occult devices. Article used here with permission of the author.